Pay what you want for SEO

“Links are still the core authority signal in Google’s algorithm” - Search Engine Land, August 2016

For the right clients, we’re prepared to totally absorb the financial risk of a high-end SEO campaign.

  • No retainers
  • No setup fees
  • No production costs
  • Tiered fee structure
  • Set your own budget

Whatever your thoughts on SEO best practice, links remain relevant and important to the success of any SEO strategy.

They’re still the strongest indicator of a website’s trustworthiness and are the second most important ranking factor overall.

In fact, Google’s own Quality Strategist Andrey Lipattsev confirmed this to be true in 2016. In a live Q&A, he said, the top two Google search ranking factors, above all else, were “content and links pointing to your site”.

That said, investing in high-end campaign-level SEO can be a risk. We know it, you know it. There’s no denying it. Some SEO campaigns just don’t deliver the impact you expected.

How it works

Approve icon


Nothing happens until you sign off the content

Active icon


Outreach and content amplification - that's us!

Analyse icon


Daily updates and monthly reports.


Our campaigns consistently outperform big budget, retainer campaigns, earning coverage in – and links from – the most popular and influential outlets on the Internet.

Check out some of our campaigns here.

Think, The Guardian, The Sun, Huffington Post,…

No links? No invoice. (that’s never happened by the way)

OK, but why?

It’s simple. We’re confident in our ability to deliver, but we understand the risks of big retainers. So we put our money where our mouth is.

If we don’t deliver, you don’t pay.

We fund the research, create the content and handle the outreach. All you have to do is sign off the brief and approve the content.


Who is this aimed at?

Two types of client like our pay-what-you-want model.

Agencies who need extra support.

They’ve typically got all the other digital marketing under control and need extra resource on link-building as part of a broader SEO campaign.

Established businesses with good websites, but low traffic.

In nearly all cases, our non-agency clients have tried SEO before and got burned when it came to the link-building. They know they need to do it, but they’re nervous about signing up to a retainer. Our model removes the risk.

Who is this NOT aimed at?

Victims of bad SEO

We don’t remove penalties or fix badly designed websites, so businesses with rubbish websites or businesses still recovering from dodgy SEO practices aren’t a good fit.

But if your site is already in good shape and you’re ready to get more traffic from search, this model could be a great way to start earning links without the fixed overhead of a retainer.

Fancy a chat?

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